Ebony Magazine trying to Emasculate Jonathan Majors

Shawn James
Hits: 662

The Emasculation of Jonathan Majors & The Importance of New Black Media. Actor Jonathan Majors was emasculated on the Cover of the February 2023 edition of Ebony Magazine. Damn. Just Damn. Somewhere in Heaven John H. Johnson is shaking his head at this foolishness in the pages of the magazine he started.

 Majors was featured on a PINK cover wearing a pink boa/cape, thigh high boots sitting on top of a rose colored sofa behind a pink background. Now the creators say they were trying to emulate the image of a character from the One Piece Manga, but I believe that was just a passive aggressive cover to promote their anti-black racism.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the essay of the picture presented on the cover of Ebony Magazine is that a Heterosexual Black man is Hollywood’s BITCH.

What’s troubling is that these emasculating images are featured in Ebony Magazine, a magazine started by John H. Johnson in the 1940s to elevate the image of Black men and Black women. Johnson’s goal back then was to combat the images presented in Mainstream media back then that presented Black men and Black women in degrading images as buckdancing minstrels emasculating sapphires, obese mammies and lazy incompetent coons.

When John H. Johnson was in charge of Johnson publications, we used to see images of strong heterosexual black men like Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Muhammad Ali, Bill Cosby, Mike Tyson, Wesley Snipes, and Denzel Washington. Unfortunately as John H. Johnson passed in 2005, he left his publishing empire to his daughter. And because she didn’t value the media enterprise left to her, she compromised the legacy of his publications by selling it to Clearview Group, a business that clearly isn’t about supporting the agenda of Black empowerment Johnson was.

It’s clear from the emasculating images presented on the Cover of Ebony and the effeminized way Jonathan Majors is presented in the photoshoot that Clearview is all about promoting the same misandrist anti-black, anti heterosexual Black man agenda that the mainstream media is promoting in their media like the British Vogue cover where Rihanna leads an emasculated ASAP Rocky on a beach, or the 2020 Rolling Stone cover depicting the George Floyd protests being led by Black women or a Time Magazine cover featuring a Black woman and a cutout where a Black male child is supposed to be.

All of these images are part of a larger agenda to from the media to emasculate Black boys, strip them of their manhood and promote effeminization as a social norm for acceptance into the larger society. That’s what is presented when it says Jonathan Majors is Hollywood’s most wanted. The only Black man they want to accept into their ranks is one who is willing to sacrifice his dignity and self-respect by allowing himself to be degraded in their media.

It’s a shame that Legacy Black media like Ebony Magazine has sold its soul to promote the same anti-Black messages that the mainstream media promotes in its media. When I see Jonathan Majors and ASAP Rocky presented in Legacy Black Media as minstrels it makes me more committed to making positive masculine images of heterosexual Black men in New Black Media. It’s clear from this point New Black media like SJS DIRECT will have to continue the legacy of men like John H. Johnson in the 21st Century.

Those who control the money control the media. And those who have the money will control the narrative. And it’s clear to me that New Black media like SJS DIRECT will have to tell the stories of Black America because Legacy Black media and mainstream media don’t want to. The only place a Black man can be presented as masculine is in the pages of New Black media. So we have to support it so we can elevate the best and brightest of the black community in a way that presents Brothers and sisters as balanced and humanized.

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