The Montgomery Aftermath...
The Montgomery Marina Mauling was fun. Now it's time to get back to collectively galvanize our resolve as the black voting body politic. The justification of having an #antiblackhatecrimebill should be demanded from ALL of these politicians if they want the black vote. This should be the 2024 voting rallying cry..
.... that should be at the center of next years politics for black voters, plain and simple.
Reggie Gray, Chairman of the Montgomery Marina Mauling got hit with a petty charge of misdemeanor assault and turned himself in (which he should not have done, but I digress).
Side Note: The Montgomery Police Department wanted to talk to him. Reggie hadn't been charged with anything prior to that, therefore, he didn't need to speak to them, nor did he need to "turn himself in" for anything. He should have not been nowhere near the Montgomery Police Department even if they wanted to give Reggie a free doughnut, but it is what it is.
Also in Alabama, the state government has been redlining their voting districts to keep from a second black majority district from happening. The supreme court of the united states told the state of Alabama lawmakers that their practice is illegal. Clearly the state lawmakers don't care which in turn falls on the black voting citizens to not let this garbage stand. It is essential that the black voting base in Alabama rise against the idiocy of redlining. It's time to now hit those state lawmakers with a "political" chair upside their heads in order to obey the law of the U.S. Supreme court handing down to the Alabama state legislature. The Montgomery Marina Mauling should be put in the rear view mirror and juxtapose the incident to enforce fairness for black voters in the state of Alabama.
In other parts of Amerikkka...
From Columbus, Ohio To Duncanville, Texas...police officers have been charged with felon assault along with a myriad of other charges. In Duncanville, a Black man is paralyzed from the waist down due to a police encounter because of a "karen" calling the cops because the young man needed to use the bathroom. Even if this young man pee'd on himself, "karen" the meth head would still have called the cops and still would have found another problem with him.
Sarah "Hee Haw" Huckabee Sanders is now governor of Arkansas and she's doing a crappy job of it. Following in the footsteps of Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida, she has allowed her stated education department to remove course credit for Black American studies classes. In January, sanders signed an executive order called the LEARNS act which also limits classroom curriculum regarding gender and sexuality, too.
The foolishness of these people and more other stories like this (unfortunately) on this episode of The Chris & Co. Radio Show...TUNE IN!!!