Black Veterans, Info We & They Need To Know

This special episode of The Chris & Co. Radio Show Broadcast is about the Department Of Veterans affairs. Since Uncle Chris IS a veteran, this episode will be specifically for Black American Veterans. The Trump Administration is predicting job layoffs at the VA. Is that problematic for Black Veterans? Yes, it especially problematic because it's already difficult for black...

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DOGE Turmoil and The Musk Market Meltdown

With this news cycle, things are falling apart more so than the Orangeman could've seen. DOGE (on it's face) has made Trump look like some effective clown-in-chief, but even clowns get more respect nowadays. Looks like DOGE is in turmoil because those bookkeeping chickens are coming home to roost. Scaling down interdepartmental fiscal financial waste...

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Cacophony Of Crackhead News Part 2

Can this Part 2 episode of Crackhead News get anymore meth smoking bizarre? Hell yes it can. And the incredible Mr. Chris is here to deliver and broadcast the reality of that crackhead news in it purest form. These news stories are more jacked up than the Part 1 episode. The Mayonnaise Mainstream Maggot Mafia Media is in the business of propaganda...

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Cacophony Of Crackhead News Part 1

Crackhead News. At one point in time, those particular news stories are usually local and regional. In present day, crackhead news is global and normal. Just like comedian Katt Williams said on a Netflix comedy special "Crackhead News is not just regular everyday news…" In fact there is so much regular (crackhead) news in this current news cycle that Mr. Chris...

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Fired: Workers, Shills, & Black Trump Supporters

Irony wrapped in a metaphor. Poetic Justice. Chickens coming home to roost. Karma. As Mr. Chris predicted, the crackheaded Trump presidency is going to cannibalize it's very own maga maggot mangy mutts. So this "Fired" episode of The Chris & Co. Radio Show Broadcast is uncanny. All of these enemies of Black Empowerment getting fired almost all at once puts a super smile...

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Play Trump Games To Win Donald Trump Prizes

As of this coming Thursday February 20th, 2025 Donald Trump would've been in office literally 30 days. In these 30 days of MAGA maggot cannibalism is a thing of absolute beauty. White federal workers have lost their minds and the Democratic party is so apoplectic that Mr. Chris himself has bought more microwave popcorn than he's ever bought. Why? It because when he watches...

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Kendrick Lamar, Dank, Doo-Doo Delusion

Would you allow your girl to be part of a Super Bowl show to get back at her ex-boyfriend that she had years to clap back on but now is "happily" married? What really was Kendrick Lamar's pro-black message during and at the end of the Super Bowl halftime show? If you were a Lyft driver, would you allow a 500 pound morbidly obese rapper in your 4 door sedan car? These are the questions....

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USAID & MAGA maggot train has left the station

3 and a half weeks in the Trump presidency and the MAGA maggot train is already off to the races. In fighting, internal civil wars are brewing at a fever pitch. Now before someone stupid says "not all people liked each other under a presidential administration", that is true, but this is far more intense than that. No matter who Trump's cabinet picks are, the mainstream....

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Black Alpha Network Special Guest Chris & Co.

Every single Tuesday Mr. Chris watches the Black Alpha Network on his YouTube Channel. Black Alpha Network brings the tether pain on a level that puts a smile on Uncle Chris' face. At the same time, he's absolutely serious as well as bringing those receipts on how the American government has been making these illegal immigrants a buffer class between the government...

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Mr. Chris Interviews Black Truth United On The CCRS

Fellow #B1 collaborator Black Truth United is a special guest on The Chris & Co. Radio Show Broadcast. This brief interview will discuss Black Truth United's past and what his journey as a black man in America led him to be a pro-black content creator. In this new era of free thinking Foundational Indigenous Black Americans', Black Truth United will discuss the 2024 Presidential...

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Demetra Kaye Special Guest On The CCRS

Miss Demetra Kaye of The African Diaspora Network on YouTube is the special guest Co-host on The Chris & Co. Radio Show Broadcast. Her commentaries are spot on educational, Intellectual, and informative to the black community in the collective quest to black empowerment. Her intellectual awareness from a Black woman's point of view is something....

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Knucklehead Nazi Era Of Trump Administration

The Trump Administration has kicked off exactly the way it's designed to be, a racist group of demagogues that's going to use and say "Make America Great Again" when it's really "Make Amerikkka White Again". Elon Musk thought it was a great idea to give the Nazi hand salute in his way of welcoming the Trump Administration while the Anti-Defamation league had no problem...

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The Ohio State Buckeyes Are National Champions

The college home of Jesse Owens. The home of the only two-time Heisman trophy winner Archive Griffin. The home of one of the first college football programs to allow black football players to play on their team. The team that is scarlet and gray…THE Ohio State Football Buckeyes. The 2024 National Champions in the great sport of college football. Nothing was...

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Fox Sports Sex Scandal Hoochie Hoedown

Sexual Harassment, it's bad, but is the harassment selective? If a man makes a pass at a woman and she says nothing, what does that say about sexual harassment overall? Is it only ugly guys (that women find ugly) get accused of sexual harassment? If so, is that fair for women to be selective on who can give cat calls and who can't? Sexual harassment in the workplace....

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The Fire and The Desire Of Not Held Accountable

California. It's in very serious trouble…if you're middle class and poor. If you are in a California Prison, you can make $1 per hour putting out forest fires that just out of the blue that allegedly started on their very own. No one is questioning the mere fact that these "fires" are going on during the winter season. Isn't that highly unusual? No one is questioning why the L.A. Fire...

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Old & New News Trending In The 2025 News Cycle

Happy New Year! The 2025 psychotic new cycle is already upon us with some fresh new current event content along with the same old bull crap content from last year spilling over to this current year. As 2024 ended as the year of the stupid, this year may end up being they of those consequences in 2025. The incredible Mr. Chris does have some future political ..

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Rachel Hill: The State of Ohio State & The Browns

The Bad News: Ohio St. lost to Michigan in the final game this season. Coach Ryan Day's job felt like it was on the line, and no one was to think about the direction the Ohio St. football program was going in. Watching that Michigan game was like eat a shit sandwich with razor blade shards in it. So the Ohio St. fan base was vehemently angry about the state of the team ..

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First Female School Shooting, Trump & ABC

Biden is continuing his scumbag ways by pardoning the two bastard former judges Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella in the "cash for kids" scandal making, developing and creating a "school to prison" pipeline while getting paid personally for it. This president is a piece of feces on a level that evens astound Mr. Chris himself. The children (now adults) these judges destroyed for money..

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Incompetent Democrats Making Trump Stronger

Because of the sheer incompetence of Joe "Jim Crow" Biden, cackling Kamala Harris, and the entire Democratic party, they all made Trump stronger than he needs to be going into office on January 20th, 2025. Never in the history of American politics has seen a political entity drank it's very own Kool-Aid to the point they drowned in it. The republicans vs. the democrats is..

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Hypocrite Joe "Jim Crow" Biden Pardons His Son

Hypocrisy. A word and an action in the political realm that Mr. Chris vehemently hates. In the world of politics, black people are not afforded the luxury of being hypocrites. In the white world of politics, not only white supremacy can be hypocritical, but also can perform hypocritical political acts while telling black people and black voters what to do and what they...

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Pre-Thanksgiving Jive Turkeys In The News

During this slow news cycle Mr. Chris will break down the ridiculous from the sublime. Because when January 20th, 2025 gets here, the level of idiocy is going to be running at a fever pitch. This pre holiday broadcast will more likely be close to an old "crackhead news" episode. These stories are zany, manic, and crazy. Black America and Amerikkka are still getting...

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Left Media Kissing Trump's Ass

The lips of the left side of mainstream media are turning brown already. The speed of it happening was shocking even to digital black media content creators and producers. Joe Scarborough and Mika sold out so fast that even white people were calling them "coons". Calling Trump "Hitler" and other fascist demagoguery has came back to bite them so hard that even...

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Mainstream Maggot Media Ratings Meltdown

The aftermath effects of the crackheaded 2024 election are still being felt. The democratic shills are scared right now and the Mayonnaise Mainstream Maggot Mafia Media is melting down in epic proportions. As Mr. Chris would say "the hits just keep on coming!" as this free fall of idiocy continues. Jobs will be lost soon. Mainstream media companies are going to take major losses...

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Uncle Chris Told You So, The Election Aftermath

It's what Mr. Chris had predicted over 1 calendar year ago all along. Trump has won the 2024 crackhead presidential election and will be the 47th president of the United States beginning in January of 2025. The Orangeman of Mar-a-Lago will begin his revenge tour bigger, better, and whiter than ever before. He has his revenge list, checking it twice, seeing who's in fact been naughty...

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Zero Hour, Presidential Election Is Here!

The clock's a ticking. November 5th is finally upon us. All the bravado and incendiary tough talk is all here now. So who is going to win this political shit hole shit show? Is it going to be cackling Kamala or is it going to be dumb Donald? Since neither candidate has any policies specifically for Foundational Black Americans, should we truly care who wins? That answer is NO!

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5 Days and a wake up, Clock's a ticking!

That's right. We're 5 days away from the greatest presidential election shit show of our time. Two bastard loser candidate demagogue degenerates that aren't worthy of being president are going to have this crackheaded runoff on November 5th. This brain drain of a presidential campaign is finally, finally, finally coming to an end and Mr. Chris is happier than a horny man

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Desperate Democratic Diaspora Despots

Grifters are low life bastards. Especially the desperate kind. Willing to say, do, or act in order to be a "yes man" to their boss. Working your day to have your lively hood depend on a job is one thing. You have to get along to go along at times in order to stay at a job to earn that paycheck to keep the rent being paid, that's understandable. Being a grifter though is not one of those cases...

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Hurt Democrats Hollering Before Election

Mr. Chris has decided to give cackling Kamala a break not because he really wants to. It's because there are other political forces that are trying to manipulate at the heart strings of black voters especially alpha black men specifically. While bitch made Obama trying to tell black men what to do and tragic magic Johnson being cackling Kamala's houseboy also trying to tell black...

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Hurricanes Vs Lying Gaslighting Media

The lies from the Mayonnaise Mainstream Maggot Mafia Media are completely out of control leading up to November 5th. The Mainstream Media, the defacto 4th branch of government is acting as a special press secretary for the democratic party in this election. They are going all out to debunk anyone that has something to say about the remnants of destructions... 

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26 Days And A Wake Up Before Election Day!

It won't be long now. Looks like Kamala is winning in all of the polls. "Joy" is going to be the new political winning code strategy going forward. Looks like all these things are falling in place for the next and first female President of the United States. Well, if that seems to be the case, then why is she In Michigan sending out "tragic" "Magic" Johnson to speak for her behalf... 

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Democrats Begging Black Voters To Play Fools

The Vice Presidential debate happened yesterday. As Mr. Chris prepared to take some aspirin to fight off the eventual headache he's going to receive listening to these bozos, the expectations were low and they didn't disappoint at all. JD Vance that was against Trump 5 years ago and then had some type of an epiphany after meeting him is now the running mate of the... 

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Is there any "Joy" in the Kamala camp?

Is there any "joy" in the Kamala campaign camp? Things are looking quite sketchy over there. For a campaign that tells black voters to vote for her sure isn't looking presidential. Neither her, her campaign advisors, democrat shills, and the canvassers that support her aren't getting paid the money they want. If she said "no" to the black voters, why would she not say "no"...

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Black People Can't Be Racists, Absolute Truth

The Chris & Co. Radio Show introducing Tim Bassett on the Saturday night special episode brings up a special dialogue of black people becoming racists. While Mr. Chris is completely laughing his black ass off at the notion knowing that it's an impossible social trope black people don't stand to benefit from such a system. Tim Bassett of Black Facts Matter is a staunch...

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Friday Night Barbeque with Shawn James

Why Black Men Have A Hard Time Building With Black Women? The short answer is how today's society has been attacking straight black men through TV, Radio, & Print media. The long answer is more complicated than that. Once again Mr. Chris & Shawn James is focusing on the Black nuclear family and it's a direct threat to the system of white supremacy. Unfortunately..

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Bullet Dodging Don, Crazy Cackling Kamala, & WW

It has yet happened again. Another Assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life by another white retarded ass. It's going to interesting what the secret service is going to say about this one. The local law enforcement is already spinning like a CD on this matter. Goofy shit like "The Secret Service Did A Great Job" blah, blah, blah…as if that's some spectacular shit....

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Reality Of The Situation In Black America Part 2

What if Mr. Chris told you about the reality of the situation in Black America was far worse than even than the average black political intellectual knew? What if there is mainstream article news stories being sequestered that tells the true situation of the Black American reality? Those news stories are going to be on this episode of The Chris & Co. Radio Show. If you are a...

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Reality Of The Situation In Black America Part 1

Mr. Chris always talks about "The Reality Of (This or That) Situations. So much so he has to make this a 2 Part episode because the real news stories, and not about that crackhead presidential shit show debate either. In fact, they're the problem. The Black communities issues are constantly downtrodden, ignored, pushed aside, and talked at instead of talked to....

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Black Facts Matter Controlling The Narrative

The Saturday Night Special is back introducing Tim Bassett. This gentleman, bringing insight and thought provoking intelligence to the conversation of Black Empowerment. Mr. Chris had no choice but to bring him on as a guest to the Saturday Night Special episode of The Chris & Co. Radio Show. Tim, is part of a Black Fact Matter....

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Rachel Hill's 2024 Football The Browns & Buckeyes

It's that time of year, football season is back, which means Rachel Hill is back on the CCRS. Miss Hill, The 1st Lady Of Sports is back to give her yearly analysis on the state of Cleveland's own finest football teams: The Ohio State Buckeyes & The Cleveland Browns. Both teams are looking for redemption, but in different areas and different ways. The Ohio State Buckeyes were....

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61 Days And A Wake Up For Election Results

The Mayonnaise Mainstream Maggot Mafia Media is doing all it can to cover for Kamala Harris. It's blatant, it's on purpose and it's shameful. The CNN interview with Kamala, the first interview she has participated in since her nomination, was an abject failure. As expected, the media did the gaslight two-step by saying Kamala "got a bump in the polls"after the CNN crap show...

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68 Days And A Wake Up For Election Results

November 5th can't get here fast enough. Alliances are happening, politicians and people are choosing sides…This is good! The nitty gritty of the 2024 presidential election is going to be a good one (sarcastically speaking). Whoever "wins" this presidential contest, "WE" the people will lose. It's going to come down measuring just how much loss the people...

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What's Kamala going to DO? ...for Black People

From former Governor of Ohio John "kickback" Kasich to cackling Kamala, this presidential election season is pitting republican vs. republican and democrat vs. democrat. While "kickback" Kasich Governorship was horrible, he turns his back on the very republicans that made him governor of Ohio because he personally doesn't like Trump. Good old "kickback" Kasich

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And the political beat goes on…Unfortunately!

Mr. Chris is back from vacation. During those 10 days of chillin bliss, the political machine between the Democrats, Republicans, and the Mayonnaise Maggot Mainstream Mafia Media continues to plow ahead with gaslighting propaganda, honeymoon for kamala crap, and Trump being scared to debate her when she could have appeared at the National Association Of Black...

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Capping For Cosplaying Kamala The Clout Chaser

The Mayonnaise Maggot Mainstream Mafia Media has Tag-Teamed with the Democratic Party to boost Kamala as the next empty suit Barack Obama. The lengths they are going are psychotic. This cosplaying cretin has no policies specifically for Black voters and the treadmill of not doing anything for black people continues. Black voters aren't "taking one for the team"..

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Failing Upward Part 2, Nightmare Continues

This Is Part 2 of a 2 part Episode. This is the Statistic & Poll Numbers version of the failing upward episode. While being inundated with psychotic political news stories about psychotic political people that have no business being in positions of intellectual power because of their illogical psychoses. Trump bankrupted a casino (which is unfathomable)....

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Failing Upward Part 1, Nightmare Continues

This Is Part 1 of a 2 part Episode. This is the News Cycle version of the failing upward episode. Joe Biden has stepped down from running for President in the 2024 election. As the crackhead news continue to turn, the Democratic party is in a retarded tailspin of epic proportions. In a country where up is down, down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right....

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Assassination Attempt By An Ass Of An Incel

On Saturday July 13th, 2024 Presidential nominee Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt by Thomas Matthew Crooks. A 20 year old degenerate that put an attempt on Trumps life. A complete and total security failure on the part of the local police, SWAT, State Troopers, & Secret Service in Butler County, Pennsylvania. They allowed this genetically recessive retard

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Is he running for office or is he running out of time?

First Democrats wanted Biden to step down from running for 4 more years. The Mayonnaise Maggot Mainstream Mafia Media, the wannabe 4th branch of government, received "leaks" that members of the Democratic party wanted Biden to step down. Biden himself said he was not going to step down (Mr. Chris predicted as such), and now the entire Democratic party...

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Debate Disaster On The Friday Night Barbeque

What's there to say about this piece of shat hot mess of a presidential debate? Degrading, Trifling, and embarrassing. It was as if June 27th was circled on peoples calendars to see crap show. So Mr. Chris went on to Shawn James YouTube broadcast to discuss them matter. The matter of fact that neither one of these guys are fit to be the next president of the united states.

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The Political Fallout...Fallout

What's there to say about this piece of shat hot mess of a presidential debate? Degrading, Trifling, and embarrassing. It was as if June 27th was circled on peoples calendars to see crap show. So Mr. Chris went on to Shawn James YouTube broadcast to discuss them matter. The matter of fact that neither one of these guys are fit to be the next president of the united states.

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Pre-Presidential Debate & The Anti-Black Damned

It's the eve of perhaps the most watched, most controversial, and most psychotically entertaining political theatre that the majority of the United States have been waiting for. This slow news story this episode is because of the highly anticipated clown show called "The CNN presidential debate" being the first of it's kind being so soon since both Democrat & Republican...

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November 5th can't get here fast enough...

The survivors of the Tulsa race massacre of 1921 was denied justice over reparations by the Oklahoma supreme court. Of course they did. An all white, all anti-black racist panel of genetically recessive judges had the easiest case they ever had right in front of their faces and it was still might white of them to come back with a denial verdict. As Mr. Chris and other #B1...

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The Anti-Black Racist All Stars

This episode is about anti-black racist scumbags, of course it is! A group, cavalcade, and cacophony of bastards this time around. The crackhead news just falls in Mr. Chris's lap now. It was never this easy, but then again, no one would have ever thought Trump would become president and then try to run for president again. Mr. Chris has said that "We live in a society....

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Trump convicted 34 felony counts, What's next?

So on a Thursday afternoon (on the west coast) Donald J. Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of not disclosing campaign funds going to a porn star he got laid by. Even former president Bill Clinton was able to "matrix" his way out of that situation. Nonetheless, Trump was found guilty and will go down as the very first former president, running for president...

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Mr. Chris Stance on Trump Being Convicted?

BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump has been convicted on 34 felony counts giving 2016 campaign money to a prostitute porn star and other stuff. When this story broke, the #B1 Black Media diaspora wanted to know what Mr. Chris thought about this news story. So he was asked to be a guest on the Kid Gravity youtube broadcast. Uncle Chris had a lot to say on that special presentation...

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Black Women Voters Have Spoken

Not just any black women. Black women that are politically literate, politically intelligent. Not the Cardi B or Sexy Redd types do not have any political capacity to understand the reality of the political climate ALL Black women are in right now. The statistics that Mr. Chris have are staggering to the point why the Democratic party is so desperate. Last week, the stats.....

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A Real Black Veteran & Desperate Idiots News

So where to begin with this episode. Since Mr. Chris was on vacation, a lot has happened and it's all bad. Let's start with Michael Cohen in the current kangaroo court of Trump's $130,000 hush money to super porn star stormy daniels he got laid with. There is a very logical reason why Trump hired this guy. He was his personal real "criminal" Lawyer. Cohen would have fit in..

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6 Months Away From Political Hell...

The clock is ticking to political oblivion come November 5th. The Black Digital #B1 Media is looking forward to it. The question really is, will White Amerikkka be ready for it? There's a reason why Mr. Chris has been "sarcastically enthusiastic" about destroying diversity programs like affirmative actions, DEI, and other race inclusion programs because the institutions can't...

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Alfred Konuwa's Documentary Debut

Alfred is back on Chris & Co. to promote his groundbreaking wrestling documentary about the story of Cody Rhodes and his quest to win the Undisputed #WWE Championship. The politics of professional wrestling, the storylines of professional wrestling, the personal grind of professional wrestling is all in this documentary Alfred has put together with....

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Checking The Feckless & Decriminalizing Reefer

So now in today's Mayonnaise Mainstream Maggot Mafia Print Media loves to do "Fact Checking". The problem with that is "Fact Checking" can be anything the mayonnaise maggot media wants it to be. It still doesn't make Biden nor Trump better candidates behind these "fact checks". In fact, it makes them that much worse. Are they're bigger liars then they lead on? Yes!

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Cult Of Trump & Hypocrisy Of The Supreme Court

The maga maggot movement is an official cult. Last Friday, a man set himself on fire outside the New York City courthouse where Trumps hush money (porn star) trial is taking place. The man set himself on fire for the cause. Trump didn't say much about it, CNN breezed over this new story by telling it at least 2 times, Fox maybe told the story 8 times and that's about it...

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Mr. Chris Interviews #B1 Influencer, Kid Gravity

Kid Gravity Youtuber & Twitter #B1 Influencer & Content Creator is collaborating with Mr. Chris in this first time interview. The social, economic, judicial, and institutional ills Black America faces is what Mr. Gravity talks about on his platform. The importance of Black Empowerment and the forces of evil a.k.a. White supremacy & the u.s. government

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The SCOTUS Shuck & Jive Gaslighting Chronicles

The Supreme Court has been busy. They aren't busy in the interest of the Black Community or any other brown racial communities for that matter. With a 6 - 3 right wing republican supermajority, they have been doing the things right wingers gush over about. No wonder troglodytes like Mitch McConnell & Lindsey Graham denied Fmr President Obama an opportunity...

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Amerikkka's Sweethearts Taking L's This Week.

Amerikkka's sweethearts have been taking some humiliating "L"s this week and Mr. Chris is loving ALL of it. Kyle Rittenhouse found out that he's too dumb to be in the U.S. Armed Forces. Arizona State wouldn't allow him to enroll in their college (which is hilarious), He got boo'd at Memphis University being a public speaker there. A couple of students had some basic questions...

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Maggot Media Gaslighting Black Folks Sports/Politics

Professor BlackTruth has said that the Mayonnaise Maggot Mainstream Mafia Media is in the business of mind control and not objective, honest news…Mr. Chris calls the media, The Mayonnaise Maggot Mainstream Mafia Media. There is a major, major reason for that. Others call them The Gaslight Media. A justifiable name to call them for sure. At the same... 

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Alfred Konuwa Talks WrestleMania 40

Alfred Konuwa is back on Chris & Co. to discuss WrestleMania 40 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A two day wrestling extravaganza (On April 6th & 7th) with the return of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, A-list actor, former professional wrestler coming out of retirement. Alfred Konuwa of & Pro Wrestling Bits YouTube Channel is back to talk to Mr. Chris on the goings on.... 

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Black People, we are in this alone right now!

Broadcasting colleague Shawn James is back on The Chris & Co. Radio show. It's going to be a very interesting co-broadcast to get the insights from both Mr. Chris & Shawn James. This collaboration Tag-Team doesn't disappoint. Click on to Shawn James YouTube channel and watch his commentaries on [SJS DirectAmerica] Two highly intellectual black men that....

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Reparations: The Black Man's Full Time Job

The day is coming soon where reparations for black people who can tie their lineage to the antebellum South are nearing closer & closer. There was a time that Mr. Chris thought reparations will never ever happen, but he's starting to change his mind. You are going to have to listen to this entire episode to understand why he thinks this more than ever. This episode of...

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Biden-Trump Rematch! Justify Reparations

It's already set. Biden & Trump have won the needed delegates to become the nominees for their corrupt political parties. Biden is the Democratic Nominee, Trump is the Republican nominee. One of the most uninterested political presidential elections ever to date is going down in November. Even Mr. Chris yawns at the "excitement"...

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Short Sighted Trump On A Short Broadcast

Simply put, Trump needs a highly intelligent Black political adviser that truly understands that black people and the black community are not a monolith. Even when he has at least 10% of support from the black community, he finds a way to screw it up. This weekend he appeared at a BCF conference to pander and stereotype black conservatives...

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The Fani Distraction & The George Soros Action

While America & Amerikkka are captivated (distracted) by the trial of Fani Willis retarded idiocy, there are other important news stories going on that the black community must also pay close attention to. On this episode of Chris & Company, Mr. Chris is doing just that. The kangaroo court trial of Fani's fuck ups continue to be monumental...

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Illegal Immigrants Here To Replace Black People

Is Biden too old to be president? Yes. Is too out of touch to be president? Most definitely. Is he replacing black people/voters to create a buffer class of illegal immigrants? Absolutely. So what can be done about this? The answer is black folks sitting home this November. Or if they're goofy enough to vote for Trump, oh well, it sucks to be...

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Biden Begging Black Voters To Vote

The thirst and desperation is real. It's very, very real. Joe Biden will stop at nothing to try to get black voters to vote for him in November basically for nothing. So what does he do? He flies out the Los Angeles, California to the Grammy Awards to meet with "Black Entertainment Industry Leaders" for whatever worth that is. Patronizing, Misleading, and...

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Alfred Konowa To Discuss The Royal Rumble

Broadcasting colleague Alfred Konuwa of Pro Wrestling Bits is back on Chris & Co. to discuss the #WWE pay per view Royal Rumble this past weekend. Although Mr. Chris enjoyed to Pay Per view, did Alfred enjoy it? Did he like wrestler that participated in it? Were the matches in between the Men's & Women's Rumbles worth watching?

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More Fani & January 6th News…Of Course!

Mr. Chris GUARANTEED more news coverage was going to come out about Fani Willis. He was right. So far, it looks like she won't be asked to testify in her lovers divorce proceedings. Looks like some agreement was reached, but at what cost? This entire focus was about Trump and Georgia voter fraud, instead it's morphed...

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Steve Bannon in the news, Fani can't stay out of it

Mr. Chris is not looking forward to another Trump presidency. Yet, he's more sick, tired, and angry that the Democrats want his vote while not doing anything for him or people who look like him. So the sick, sad, and sucking presidential saga continues as Trump win the New Hampshire primary easily without blinking. At the same time....

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Trump's "Fani" Wins (In Iowa) While Willis Loses

From the foolish to the fuckery, the saga continues to be as retarded as Mr. Chris has predicted that it would be. Trump won the Iowa caucus by 30%. An unheard of blowout that has yet to have been matched in elections past. Nothing has been able to stick on Trump. The GOP has no answers to get him out, The Democrats don't to do anything...

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The Frightened, Funny & Foolish…In The News!

"Frightened" people like Michelle Obama are frightened about the results of the 2024 presidential race this year. Perhaps she already knows the outcome. This female having the nerve telling people how to walk, talk, think, and act is a major reason how and why Trump got into office in the first place. Her tone deafness on her husbands part on why...

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The Playoff Run Of The Cleveland Browns

Ohio State Alumni & Cleveland Sports Reporter Rachel L. Hill is back on Chris & Co. to discuss the Cleveland Browns psychotic run to the playoffs this season. Was Mr. Chris wrong about the Browns season? Was Rachel wrong about the Browns season? 4 Quarterbacks, multiple injuries, and some luck along the way guided this team.... 

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Chris & Co. 1st Broadcast Of The Year 2024

As the news stories unfolded in 2023, a new story of Biden losing the black vote in droves hits the news. Research centers like the Pew Research Center have been following the data of black voter responding to Biden & Trump. More so of the focus being on Biden, the democrats know they are in deep doo doo because black men voters..... 

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Digital Black Media Vs. Chitlin Coon Media Part 2

The mainstream media "chitlin circuit" black commentators always trying to tell you what to do, how to think, and who to vote for? Gentlemen like Shawn James will give his take on this media showdown that's going to rev-up going into 2024. B1 digital black media content creators such as Mr. Chris, Shawn James.... 

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Digital Black Media Vs. Chitlin Coon Media Part 1

As A grown responsible black man and woman, aren't you tired of mainstream media black commentators always trying to tell you what to do, how to think, and who to vote for? So is the B1 digital black media. The constant barrage of the same characters in the mainstream black media (and also on digital black media) trying... 

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Judicial & Financial Anti-Black Racism & Fascism

What does Navy Federal, Breonna Taylor & Aderrien Murry deaths have in common? Both the Amerikkkan Financial and Judicial institutions promote racism & fascism. Like Mr. Chris predicted when he was a child that racism will not ever, ever, ever go away in his lifetime nor his children's lifetime, nor his grandchildren's lifetime..... 

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The Madness Will Be Greater in 2024

Trump. His lead is so massive that he doesn't go to the Republican primaries. Never heard of until now and we're still in the year 2023, imagine that. This is going to set up a major election psycho mind screw going into next year. None of these political Republican & Democratic candidates are such low quality that the low quality cream.... 

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Mr. Chris's Special Birthday Broadcast

This short program is for the loyal listeners of this real broadcast. This episode of serious subject matter is about WHY…Why does Mr. Chris say the things he say? Why is he so passionate about broadcasting the message about black empowerment? Why even do a broadcast on his birthday for that matter? Those questions and more.... 

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The Importance Of Real Black Owned Media

This episode is one of many why there needs to be a black owned and operated digital media apparatus in the best interest of Black Americans here and all over the world. That also goes for black folks that hate what Mr. Chris talks about simply because speaking the absolute truth always hurts those who have a history of going against the collective...

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Pure Unadulterated Perfect Poetic Justice

Brutal. Savage. Vicious. Pure Unadulterated Perfect Precise Poetic Justice. The absolute truth of absolute truths. A black man's justice is a white supremacists nightmare, good. Hand's down, one of Mr. Chris' favorite episodes to date. This Schadenfreude episode of The Chris & Co. Radio Show is powerful, strong, and the truth of how racism always...

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Mr. Alfred Konuwa Strikes Back!

The Fantastic Alfred Konuwa is back on The Chris & Co. Radio show to talk about the latest in professional wrestling, black man style. He will discuss his documentary and the state of wrestling in promotions #AEW & #WWE. He will have a lot to say about CM Punk being back in WWE which sent shockwaves all over the world wide web...

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When Cancel Culture Affects The Society

The onslaught of anti-black empowerment propaganda has only yet begun. The traces and bird poop droppings have happened, however, the big cow & horse crap misinformation machine will begin in Jan of 2024. You heard it here first. There is a silent group of Democrats that wants to see another democrat enter the race to challenge for the...

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NoBiden2024 wants 4 more years, but for what?

As a black voter, do you feel the need to vote for a candidate that has no policies in your best interest? Have you ever wondered why you voted for Democrats for years, but no positive changes in your inner city neighborhood? This episode tackles that. Have you ever just took a simple inventory on the things your voted for and trace back to see if 

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Why An Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill Is Justified

What if you was in a situation where you needed help and the person that you depended on for your survival didn't like you based on your skin color? And because of your skin color just decided not to help you sealing your fate? Every single current event article will completely justify why there needs to be an anti-black hate crime bill president Alzheimer's

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Terrorist Thug Mass Killing Maniac In Maine

Another day, another mass shooting/killing. This time it's from the state of Maine. Nothing disgusts Mr. Chris than people being randomly being snuffed out for no apparent reason. The excuses, the unaccountability today's society coddles these particular mass shooting killers and the mainstream media calling for mental health

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Taurean Reign On Chris & Company…

Special guest Co-Host Taurean Reign from "Taurean Reign Reloaded" The 1st time collaboration will be very intriguing and their perspectives on how the mayonnaise mafia maggot mainstream media manipulates their news stories and current events to try to control the #FBA black community how to think and how we should see ourselves. 

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While the Middle East & Jada are distracting you

This short but maybe not so sweet episode begins with more foolishness in the middle east by having American troops being deployed in Israel. Mr. Chris being the veteran that he is is staunchly against this move. The mere fact the two "cuntries" that equal the size of New Jersey could be the very start of World War 3. This continuing news

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Saturday Night Special featuring Ms. Tigo

Today's dating has gotten so bad, more & more black men are checking out from even participating in the whole process. With marriages at an all time low. Today's Modern Woman is the non-traditional woman that has expectations of men that they have from themselves, however, they hide behind tradition when it comes to asking men out on these same..

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It's not the Black Man's fight, Let them lose

Foundational Indigenous Black Americans have our very own set of problems. No one helps us fight against white supremacy, no one advocates in our behalf, but us. If systemic change is going to happen in Amerikkka, we Foundational Black Americans must (by all and any means necessary) draw a line in the sand, choose a side and stay firmly

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Government Shutdown & The "Low Value Asset"

The Government shutdown has been averted for now. There could be a government shutdown in the not too distant future. As Mr. Chris goes into the details on why the black community is not out of the wood when it comes to this irresponsible act on behalf of the United States Government. This episode brings lots of research & statistics on how

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The "Blue No Matter Who" Black Voter Finesse

The bickering between the millionaire democrat & republicans continues to the point of the government shutting down on September 30th, 2023. While Ukraine is getting $4.5 Billion plus $1.65 Billion in other aid for the racist country which equals to $6.1 Billion by the way. Congress is making sure those Nazi loving

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Statistics Tell A Story Chris & Co. Investigates

This episode starts off with a walking, talking, racist demagogue of a statistic, Trump. Making anti-Semitic comments against the left leaning Jewish community. Donald Trump, the face of political white supremacy simply could not help himself tear down a community (he feels) that should be voting for him unequivocally.

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First Lady of Sports is back on Chris & Co.

The first lady of sports is back on. Her insight in the world of sports is something to listen to based on her accuracy of those sports teams. "Coach Prime" Deion Sanders is 3-0 in Colorado. His coolness and determination has got the traditional coaches on notice because his charisma affects recruiting the high school football players.

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Post Vacation News From Mr. Chris

Mr. Chris is back from Vacation. Ready to broadcast the latest news, The Chris & Co. Producer will discuss a part of his vacation in the last segment of this episode and how it ties into the politics black americans have to be vigilant on. Currently on the Tyre Nichol's killer cops watch, the 5 "never was" cop thugs are now being charged with civil rights

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White Supremacist Shooting Psychos

SThis episode is about a white supremacist racist Florida governor feeding white supremacist domestic terrorist ryan palmeter racial and political red meat to carry out it's sociopathic ethnic cleansing for Black Americans all throughout Florida. City council coon Ju'Coby Pittman put the cape on for Ron Desantis for her own personal gain. 

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YouTube & BET: Don't Bet On Black: Shawn James

Special guest co-host Shawn James is on this episode on the major news events going on in this news cycle. In East Palestine, Ohio nothing much has changed. Biden hasn't made the citizens there a priority due to an environmental disaster they didn't create. Tons of toxic chemicals polluting the ground they walk on, to the air they breathe are destroying

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Alfred Konuwa Back For a 3rd Time

Never a dull moment when Alfred is on with Mr. Chris. The Pro Wrestling Bits & Black content producer and journalist bring Mr. Chris up to date news in the world of professional wrestling. Alfred will discuss the Black wrestlers in #AEW & #WWE on who's being booked, who is not being booked, the good guys to watch, & the bad guys

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The Montgomery Aftermath...

The Montgomery Marina Mauling was fun. Now it's time to get back to collectively galvanize our resolve as the black voting body politic. The justification of having an #antiblackhatecrimebill should be demanded from ALL of these politicians if they want the black vote. This should be the 2024 voting rallying cry..

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Montgomery Marina Mauling

This unique broadcast is a first of it's kind because Mr. Chris will discuss this news story (which is also currently having new developments) on every segment of this broadcast episode. Even if breaking news happens, Uncle Chris will add that to this monster of a story. The real connotation to this story is definitely the biggest of this 2023 year..

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The Black Homeless Problem

Blue no matter who? Should you still vote for who when "who" doesn't give a damn about you? Would your boss vote for you for employee of the year when you told him/her you hasn't going to do the work assigned to you?... Listen to this edition to Mr. Chris' take on this.

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Basketball & Life Coach, La'Shawn Brown

So Mr. Chris fulfilled Dr.Angie's request to have passport bros on this episode and it didn't go well at all. The passport bro guests that were on the show gave a distinct breakdown with context on what the passport bro movement is all about. Listen and give your thoughts!

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Cops, Cocaine & Discrimination

So Mr. Chris fulfilled Dr.Angie's request to have passport bros on this episode and it didn't go well at all. The passport bro guests that were on the show gave a distinct breakdown with context on what the passport bro movement is all about. Listen and give your thoughts!

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Passport Bros Vs. Modern Women Part 2

So Mr. Chris fulfilled Dr.Angie's request to have passport bros on this episode and it didn't go well at all. The passport bro guests that were on the show gave a distinct breakdown with context on what the passport bro movement is all about. Listen and give your thoughts!

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Court House & White House Indecency

Imagine (being a black person) you had a boss (that WASN'T a black person) only to go into that office to find cocaine sitting out openly. This "boss" is giving your orders and you're forced to trust their "leadership". Would you be ok with that? Listen to what I believe. 

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Affirmative Layoff Action

Affirmative Action. It might not be as "divisive" as you think it is. Mr. Chris takes a deep dive into this supreme court decision and the reality of how this affects the black community directly. The super majority supreme court is going to turn amerikkka into a right wing super shit hole. Listen to why I believe so.

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Missing Children, Bad Parents, & Distractions

Mr. Chris, A Father, An Uncle is personally disturbed with this episode. In his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, 27 children have gone missing only for 2 media outlets outside of Cleveland spoke on this horrific story. We brought up the subject only for it to go away.

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From Black Father Magic To Bankruptcy

Statistics shows that 70% of Black fathers interact with their children. Why doesn't the Mayonnaise Maggot Mainstream Mafia Media cover this? It's because it doesn't fit the narrative of calling all Black fathers, deadbeat dads. When in fact, they're great dads statistically.

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Validation, Discrimination Across The Nation

The Truth is the most absolute supreme of validation. Donald Trump's 37 count indictment is now the latest judicial campaign going on. Like the pimp he is, his inner circle organized a presidential campaign rally and fundraiser meeting with celebrities in Florida..

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Stand Your Ground On The Statistics Support

Kind of an unusual name for an episode, yet there is a good rhyme & reason for it. Ajike Owens shot and killed by her next door karen racist neighbor had the nerve to say "stand your ground" law even though Miss Owens was leaving her property and was shot through susan "Karen" lorincz's door. .

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The Passport Bros Vs. Modern "Women"

It's Passport Bros. Vs. Modern "Women" and the modern "women" are mad about it. Mr. Chris explains why the Passport Bros. exist, why they're going overseas, and they are getting married to those women in other countries to not bring them back to America..

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E. Walter Smith, Humanitarian

Mr. Chris Interviews E. Walter Smith of the Little Girl Daddy Daughter Days Initiative. Singer, Songwriter, Insurance Agent, and Shaker Hts. High School Alum along with Having shared classrooms with the likes of Gerald Levert, Jim Brickman, Kym Whitley, and Molly Shannon... 

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Alfred Konowa Is Back talking about Rasslin

Alfred Konowa of and his Youtube Channel "Pro Wrestling Bits" is back with Mr. Chris to talk Professional Rasslin'. This short, sweet, & sensational dialogue between these two black men is most absolutely outstanding when it comes to report about... 

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Government Officers Taxing & Waxing People

A copycat Daniel Perry type killing took place like most black media producers predicted. Kamal Semrade took it upon himself to be a vigilante for vigilante sake by almost killing Emine Ozsoy shoving the woman from behind into a train pulling into the station.... 

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Biden is in Bad Black Trouble

From Democrat & Republican politicians leaving their perspective parties, to Black People slowly waking up that both parties do not have any policies specifically for black folks. Therefore, more and more are checking out of the election process.... 

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Political Racist Hypocrisy Demagoguery

This episode is head & shoulders the most angriest and passionate Mr.Chris has ever been since broadcasting in this new era. LET'S GO BRANDON! Biden pandering & misleading Howard University graduates telling them that white supremacy is the most ... 

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A Senator & Right Wing Racism

From Senators to scumbags to white supremacists is an episode of continued mass shootings, senators leaving the political do nothing duopoly along with fake marines being race soldier killers aiming at soft target law abiding black citizens. Listen and learn.

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Rachel Hill, The First Lady Of Sports Journalism

Mr. Chris Interviews Rachel L. Hill, The 1st Lady of Sports Journalism in Cleveland, Ohio. The Shaker Hts High School & Ohio State University graduate not only having experience in playing sports, has juxtaposed it to sports broadcasting covering all Cleveland sports teams.

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Ohio Nazi's, Border Skirmishes & Dirty Cops

Nazi's in Ohio? Yes. They've always been here. Now they are crawling out from under the rocks and gutters they're originally from. Why? Because of the emergence of Trump along with an all right wing majority Ohio state governments ultra racist ideals and practices

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Mainstream Media's Irony Wrapped In Metaphors

All of these news stories (except for Breonna Taylor) are about bootlicks either got fired or is getting fired by the very same groups these people literally represent. When the mayonnaise mainstream maggot mafia media has no more use for it's "fool tools"

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Black Anger, White Denial, & Everything Else

Another day, another mass shooting. Connor Sturgeon is the latest of "citizen turned homicidal shooter". The former banker shoots and kills his co-workers at the old national bank in Louisville, Kentucky. Once again the Mainstream Mayonnaise Maggot Mafia Media are trying to

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The Mayonnaise Mainstream Mafia Media

Simply put, his most passionate broadcast since being back on the air. Mr. Chris points out the mainstream media's hypocrisy when black people do bad things compared to white people doing bad things. What I do is paramount to free speech and individual thought.

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Another School Shooting, Environmental Disaster

From the ridiculous, to the sublime, to the very serious news stories in this current news cycle with another school shooting. 6 people, 3 children & 3 adults innocently lost their lives to this domestic trans terrorist thug. Mr. Chris will discuss the demagoguery of this thing.

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Hostile Takeover & Trump Rocks Chris

Right wing troglodytes in Texas have taken over the Houston City School District. Residents are angry about this, can anything be done about it? Trump "thinks" he's going to be prosecuted even though the prosecutors' office has been silent about going through the actions..

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Dilbert, Reverse Discrimination Racism

Having the personality of a viagra villain that's mentally erectile dysfunctioned, Scott Adams and his impotent crackhead comments of Black people. Former creator of the dilbert comic strip, this guy brought out his inner KKK to address what was in his heart for decades.

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Miscellaneous Mayhem Mexico and USA

4 Black Americans being kidnapped in Mexico. Only 2 of them came back alive being mistaken for rival human traffickers. Both Mexican & U.S. Governments conducting  damage control and finger pointing to control the narrative of this diplomatic disgraceful story.

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Inside Job & Race War Stories

Mr. Chris' very angry commentary about WS POS Peyton Gendron being sentenced to life in prison when he should've got the death penalty. The breaking news story that has black communities seething in anger about the 10 black people that was gunned down....

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Police Brutality & Spy Balloons

As coverage of the death of Tyre Nichols continues, more stories of the former Memphis police officers come out as their discipline records are being put out to the public at large. Desmond Mills, Jr. having a history of brutalizing Memphis civilians including women knows no bounds.

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The Honorable Judge Joe Brown

The Honorable Judge Joe Brown talk with Mr. Chris about his mayoral campaign in Memphis, Tennessee. Also in Memphis, Mr. Chris talks to Judge Joe about the death of Tyre Nichols at the hand of the Memphis police officers on the scene.

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Mr. Chris Is The Guest

Shawn interviews Mr. Chris on his broadcasting experience, what direction it's going in, and where the destination could be. Check out this fun episode of these two guys having grown black men conversations from silly, subtle, and serious subject matter. Check out this cool conversation among colleagues...Tune In!

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Shawn James Author & Much More

This episode has Shawn James and his writing career starting with comics books like John Haynes: Godbreaker, The John Haynes, The adventures of ISIS, The E'Steem series. Paperback novels such as "Simping in the workplace", "Spellbound", & "The Woman Crisis". Storytelling at its best! 

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Declarations, Deletions, & Dirt!

This episode contains the latest stories of certain U.S. cities proposing "declarations" by declaring racism as public health crisis only after asian Americans were being racially targeted. With sarcasm, it's amazing that racism had to affect another race in order for anyone to have declarations.

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Homecoming... Black Man Cometh

The Return of Chris & Co. is here. Mr. Chris is back home to his flagship broadcast radio show. He gave thanks to all people that participated on the show or helped behind the scenes. Listen and hear the show.

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Total Team Experience

Rhonda Hills is back on the show. What do you get when you have a Republican, Democrat, & Independent voter all on your show at the same time? You get absolute fireworks of a digital radio broadcast of serious proportions.

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Mr Chris says "Goodbye"...for now

The end? The swan song? The last hurrah? Or is it??? This episode is Mr. Chris' last broadcast of "The Experience!" at Sandy Scott along with the voice it all stars appear on the show to say goodbye.

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Cleveland Comic Con

In showing versatility in broadcasting at different venues , Mr. Chris & Sandy Scott being the very 1st radio show in the city of Cleveland to leave a digital broadcast imprint at the Cleveland Comic Con.

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The Parkland Shooting Terrorism

Simply Put, the most emotionally intense broadcast episode both Mr. Chris & Sandy Scott has ever produced. Listen to this sad episode of the frustration and anger of children being apathetically gunned down for no apparent reason at all.

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The Factory Of Sadness

This "Factory of Sadness" episode of The Experience is funny & disappointing at the very same time. Chris 2.0 is the special guest on this incredible broadcast. He will describe the 0-16 Cleveland Browns abysmal season atmosphere of the loser parade directly in front of Cleveland Browns stadium.

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The Activist Cometh

Mr. Chris has special guest co-host Rhonda Hills on the show as Miss Hills fills in for Sandy Scott. This subtle yet serious episode covers a lot of controversial events based current news around the time of this digital broadcast.

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Current Events Winners & Losers

On this episode of "The Experience!", Mr. Chris & Sandy Scott discuss the winners & losers of that weeks current events. Losers like Trump, Jason Whitlock, & Christine Leahy are talked about in their covert racist narratives.

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The Inaugural Episode

The first ever episode of "The Experience. This highly anticipated show with Mr. Chris & Sandy Scott with a combined 40 plus years of Television & Digital Media "Experience".

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Images Barber Shop

Want to know what goes on in a Black owned & operated Barber Shop?  Are you curious to know what topics, subjects, and conversations take place in a room filled with black masculine men that have their act together? Well this is the episode of all episodes right here. This Barber Shop episode is an absolute classic.

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Black Fathers Day

Mr. Chris & "Big Doc" Darryll Reed breakdown their relationships with their fathers. Going into detail how those relationships have helped them be successful in today's world of racial biases and stereotypes mainstream media & society narrates the black "dead beat" dad.

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The Chris & Co. Super Show

This old school show of Chris & Co. is an episode of "Big Doc" Darryl Reed, Sean Colarossi and the majority of show contributors that have been on the show have all came together to participate in this broadcasting extravaganza.

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TNZ Wireless

Broadcast from TNZ Wireless electronics in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio. The owner of TNZ wireless, Ted Roberts, made this production happen..

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The Penn State Situation

Jerry Sandusky, former defensive coordinator of the Penn St. Nittany Lions was arrested and charged of sexual abuse of 10 boys. He was found guilty of 45 counts of child sexual abuse and faced sentencing to a minimum of 30 years to a maximum of 60 years in prison.

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American Conspiracies

Dick Russell along with former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura wrote this compelling New York Times best seller "American Conspiracies". Conspiracies dating back to John Wilkes Booth of the civil war era to current day where the U.S. government having secret plans to end American democracy itself.

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Warren Bowens author of "Milkk"

Mr. Warren Bowens is a Black American author of this romantically solid story of a soft, sexy, sensual, black woman named "Milkk". This paperback book that is an easy read goes into the depths of of the world of exotic dancing.

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Chardon High School

The Chardon High School massacre was the first recorded school shooting in the state of Ohio. 6 students were shot, 3 students died from the mass shooting..

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Avenging Trayvon Martin

The death of Trayvon Martin sent shockwaves across America about race, profiling, and "stand your ground" law. He was a young black child 17 yrs old that was gunned down with extreme prejudice, absolute malice, and evil racial profiling from an anti-black racist named George Zimmerman.

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