Pure Unadulterated Perfect Poetic Justice
Brutal. Savage. Vicious. Pure Unadulterated Perfect Precise Poetic Justice. The absolute truth of absolute truths. A black man's justice is a white supremacists nightmare, good. Hand's down, one of Mr. Chris' favorite episodes to date. This Schadenfreude episode of The Chris & Co. Radio Show is powerful, strong, and the truth of how racism always...
..... comes back to destroy the very people practicing it. Each and every one of these segments on this digital broadcast will show and prove just that. Having pride to say things most black folks are not able to say, not being told what to say and what to do, is the essence of why Mr. Chris does broadcasting in the first place will most absolutely show on this archived episode. This is most definitely a "must hear" episode hands down.
Derek Chauvin, a disgrace to real honest police officers, got stabbed in a Tucson prison last week, so what. The #B1 digital black media has been having a field day with this and Mr. Chris is no exception. While other black media creators that on platforms like youtube, twitter, & facebook, they have to be careful what they say and how they say things because those social media concentration camp platforms are all white owned and operated. At any time, they can shut down black content creators, but Mr. Chris doesn't have that problem, so he can truly say what black folks really want to say when it comes to ultra racist cracker jackalopes like Derek "prison tossed salad" Chauvin. The mayonnaise maggot mafia mainstream media is not without fault. You have meth smoking articles talking about "Prison reform" and "raising questions about inmate safety" as if the mainstream maggot media NOW cares about prison safety. Only when white racist punk ass bitches like Chauvin are receiving Poetic Justice, then and only then the media cares. The hypocrisy is stifling and one thing that is true, people who practice white supremacy absolutely do not care about being hypocrites.
Kyle Rittenhouse, this egomaniac incel domestic terrorist may have won a Vince McMahon #WWE style of criminal courtroom justice battle, but the reality of his situation is he's going to lose the civil law suit war in horrible fashion. Why? It's because he's broke. He had money after winning his criminal case, but the families of Joseph Rosenbaum & Anthony Huber are allowed to sue killer Kyle in civil court. On top of that, he needs money to live and pay lawyers, he's not on "go fund me", so Kyle is in very deep shit. Mr. Chris loves that he is and he will expound on that story.
The Asian-Amerikkkan community is finding out the hard way what are the consequences for dismantling affirmative action. Those families are even more stressed out about college admissions, now it sucks to be them. So instead of those Asian students going to college, they are going to end up being future waiters & waitresses at their parents restaurants. While anti-black asians were listening to their white supremacist pied piper, Ed Blum, the supreme court went ahead with Blum's evil agenda to destroy affirmative action, thanks! While Asian Amerikkkans were thinking "yeah, we stuck it to those Black American college students", all they did was annihilated their hopes to attend prestigious colleges only to allow white students with C & D grades get into colleges like Harvard & Yale through their "good old boy networks" via legacy admissions from rich white families. All Mr. Chris is going to say is, "He told you so" & "you're welcome".
And Remember, Mr. Chris is here to help the anti-black racist stupid folks, one retarded idiot at a time. You're Welcome again. TUNE IN!!!