Desperate Democratic Diaspora Despots
Grifters are low life bastards. Especially the desperate kind. Willing to say, do, or act in order to be a "yes man" to their boss. Working your day to have your lively hood depend on a job is one thing. You have to get along to go along at times in order to stay at a job to earn that paycheck to keep the rent being paid, that's understandable. Being a grifter though is not one of those cases...
.....Grifters have no convictions. Just like anti-black racists. Just like misandryists. Just like white supremacists. Just like coons. Just like bootlicks. Just like simps. Just like wimps. When you have no convictions you don't stand for nothing, when you don't stand for nothing, you identify as nothing. It's that simple.
CNN. Their ratings are in the shits so bad that their top news anchors were denied raises while one of them was asked to take a pay cut. Looks like none of them are going anywhere because all of those CNN news anchors are still staying but where else are they going to go? Are they going to start their own YouTube accounts? Mr. Chris doesn't see them doing that! So they will eat the shit sandwich contract that is in front of them and they will learn to love it or they will get someone much younger, hungrier, and cheaper to anchor the fledgling CNN (under 500,000 views) news desk job. So Jake will keep on tapping. Wolf will keep on blitzing, but Chris Wallace will never be no where near the black superman or superman Mr. Chris is.
Cackling Kamala Harris just keeps cackling on. She can't help herself, but this time, she melted down on Fox News. Her first time being on Fox News being interviewed by Brett Baier of all people was a super duper recipe for disaster. The Asian-Jamaican Vice President wasn't going to be able to cackle her way out of this one. Say what you want about Brett, even Mr. Chris tips his hat off to that guy when it comes to doing his research. Brett is a guy that is coming with all of his notes and quotes. You're not going to get over on him with misspoken words. Unlike CNN, Fox News has triple the viewership numbers and people were going to watch this interview with sheer intensity. Harris wasn't ready for anything like this and simply put, this interview was most absolutely out of her depth and out of her league. She was ill prepared. She is mentally unequipped. She is going to be exposed that she is not presidential material let alone not being a Black American woman. Which she is also grifting by the way.
Allan Lichtman, the Nostradamus of politics has been right in the last 9 presidential elections. He actually thinks that psychotic broad cackling Kamala Harris is going to win on November 5th. He comes up with this using 13 different factors. From those "factors", he makes an assessment of who is more "presidential" and how the winds of the electorate are going flow. Here's the catch, He's a registered Democrat. Biased much? So why is this guy in the political spotlight you might ask? It's because he's going around on political talk shows and youtube to discuss the election and why Kamala is winning and what to look for… Mr. Chris has something to say about this and he is going to challenge this theory with some "Miss Cleo" predictions of his own. The democrat desperation despots in the news broadcasting out from the desert. Tune In.