First Female School Shooting, Trump & ABC
Biden is continuing his scumbag ways by pardoning the two bastard former judges Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella in the "cash for kids" scandal making, developing and creating a "school to prison" pipeline while getting paid personally for it. This president is a piece of feces on a level that evens astound Mr. Chris himself. The children (now adults) these judges destroyed for money..
.... only for them not to suffer any real consequences from it shows that the justice system is broken for ordinary white citizens. So if you're a black person that voted for Biden, how did that work for you? It couldn't have because as he tells black men and women to work with hispanics, he's pardoning crackheads and racketeers, black people buying groceries is still expensive, black people didn't see any economic improvement, and black people are the biggest ethnicity still having a hard time purchasing a home. Yet this bastard had the nerve to tell black people that "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black"…and that's exactly why Mr. Chris DIDN'T vote for him simply because not only he's a black man, he's a political intellectual that doesn't tolerate his blackness EVER being questioned. We all what Biden is though, a mouth frothing anti-black white supremacist racist. So is Trump, but Trump is honest about while Biden tries to act like he isn't and then stabs black folks in the back when he thinks we aren't looking.
Speaking of Trump, ABC are the next Mayonnaise Mainstream Maggot Mafia Media company that has started to look the boots of the Orangeman-in-chief. ABC settled a $15 million dollar lawsuit. George Stephanopoulos got his ass in very hot water on reporting on the alleged sex assault on E. Jean Carol. She accused Trump of the act, but Trump sued for defamation and won. This is why Mr. Chris calls the mainstream media "The maggot media" because of incidents like this. This what happens when maggot media cesspools like ABC go after Trump simply because they don't like him only for the whole thing do backfire right in their faces. How does George still have a job at this point? How does George get to punch a clock, go to his office, and hangout at the water cooler at ABC? Just imagine had he been black? Just sit back and fathom had this been a black man (or woman) at any company to lose $15 million for that company? Would they still have that job? Hell gotdam no they wouldn't! Mainstream media credibility is in the crapper. Mainstream media is a joke unto itself. Mainstream media is every single thing the incredible Mr. Chris has always said it is. It's in the business of media entertainment, not journalistic integrity.
There has been another school shooting, of course there is. This time it was a white female that did it. Natalie Rupnow 15, attended the Abundant Life Christian School. Monday morning December 16th Natalie took her handgun, went to school and started shooting, of course she did. The usual mainstream media reporting has already started by humanizing Natalie the shooter and how "this never happens here" and "we never saw this coming" brainless fecklessness. So where was her parents in all of this? Will the parents be charged because of what Natalie has done? Mr. Chris thinks so. When you're a black person whose child didn't go to school, the black parent went to jail just like cackling Kamala Harris did to black mothers when she was the DA back in California. So when white children take guns to school and shoot people, their parents should also go to jail as well. It's only right. It's only fair. It's only justice. The Rupnows better get to "lawyering up" because not only for the criminal part of it, there is the civil part of it, too. You can't get anymore "Christian" than that. Also, the name of the school is "Abundant Life" Christian school…let's look at the reality of this schools situation…The school is most definitely NOT Christian and to name that school "Abundant Life" on the premise on what just happened there is simply put, an oxymoron. Tune In.
Begging Bidens Pardon
First Female Mass Shooter